
Biopharmaceutical Process & Production

Managing all processes along the production line to ensure smooth product manufacturing.

Job characteristics and introduction

The flower of the Bio Factory, Production Master
Production management is based on stabilizing supply through production schedule establishment and process management. To this end, it is a job that manages all production-related tasks such as manufacturing facility environment, qualification, and utility management. Along with stable supply, it plays a key role in achieving organizational goals by contributing to productivity improvement through process improvements and introduction of new equipment, as well as conducting technology transfer tasks for the introduction of new products.

Required competencies

Process management capabilities
Production in factories is the basis of company management. This is because it is the most basic element that is directly connected to the management performance of an organization. The company's management performance depends on the annual production volume, which is the most basic element of management goals. Therefore it involves tasks such as establishing a process + E23 management plan to achieve stable production, managing manufacturing costs, improving manufacturing costs, and developing cost reduction ideas during product production. Additionally, we contribute to achieving "Zero accidents" in environmental safety through improving the operating manual for the process and providing training to site managers and workers.

Job Interview

Working to normalize the production of the new factory.

Samyang Holdings Pharmaceutical Factory, Assistant Manager

Q1 Please introduce this job and explain what tasks are mainly performed in the position.
I am participating in the new factory construction project as a production manager of the pharmaceutical factory. We are working on the validation of the facilities to be installed in the new factory and the products to be introduced, and ultimately, we are working to normalize the production of the new factory.
Q2 What are the competencies required to perform this job?
I think responsibility is the main competence. The factory produces medicines that are directly related to patient's lives. In order to produce a complete product, all processes must be thoroughly verified, and a sense of responsibility is needed to solve issues that arise.
Q3 Please say a word to the juniors who will pursue their dreams in this job.
Production management is an attractive job to experience the entire manufacturing process by understanding the product production process, production planning, and facility operation. Due to the nature of the production department, the work is often carried out through collaboration with other departments and teams. This job requires to conduct various tasks with various people, so I think having flexible thinking through extensive experience will help you progress your work progress.

Job Vlog

Samyang Group Production Management Job | Samyang Holdings Biopharm Group Finishing Part

Experience a day of biopharm Group production management experts who manage the entire manufacturing process of medicines.

History Museum quick Inquiry

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Posted on March 28, 2023

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